At SOHMA we are proud to be an authorized retail clinic serving our Veterans with Chiropractic, Acupuncture, Massage, Cupping, Physiotherapy, and Medical Tai Chi.
Due to the opioid crisis, the VA has sought out alternatives to help our Veterans reduce their pain.
If you are a Veteran or know Veterans please share this information so that you can get authorized to get the care you’ve earned, deserve, and need. Follow the steps below to get your authorization or contact our office and we’ll walk you through the process: 562-420-2112.
- Register with VA and complete full registration website initial inquiry.
- Seek either Chiropractic or Acupuncture directly AND indicate care with the (VA authorized) office of your choice such as SOHMA Integrative Health Center.
- Use https://www.myhealth.va.gov/mhv-portal-web/user-loginto make a request or call 1-855-PCCCVET (1-855-722-2838)
- Make an appointment with your primary care provider (PCP) at the VA and request Chiropractic or Acupuncture AND indicate care with the (VA authorized) office of your choice such as SOHMA Integrative Health Center.
- Your PCP will send a referral to a VA Rehab provider for these services.
a. Please note: The VA will request that you receive treatment with them,
unless there is a 30-Day wait, in which case they will refer you to
Veteran’s Choice for care within the community such as SOHMA.
b. If you are able to be seen for treatment within 30 days, continue to request treatment outside of the VA (chiropractic/acupuncture/massage/ cupping). - Rehab will send a referral request to Community Care (Non-VA Care aka SOHMA a VA authorized retail clinic).
- Community Care will send an authorization for care request to Tri-West.
- Tri-West will approve or deny services request.
- Once APPROVAL is received, Community Care will contact SOHMA to schedule the patient’s first consult and appointment.
- Community Care will then contact patient to notify them of their appointment date/time.