Acupuncture, a traditional Chinese Medicine that is being used in modern times to help people recover, relax and heal. However, people who still have misconceptions about Acupuncture. Because of this there are many myths about Acupuncture that have some people second guessing themselves when it comes to recovering and healing with a natural treatment like Acupuncture. Today we are going to debunk three of the myths that still exist around Acupuncture therapy.
What does Acupuncture help with?
Acupuncture has been used to help treat many ailments. And it has been shown to help people recover all over the world. This form of alternative medicine has helped people recover and treat a variety of ailment and pains including:
- Dental pain
- Headaches / Migraines
- Labor Pain
- Lower Back Pain
- Neck Pain
- Osteoarthritis
- Nausea
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Insomnia
Myth #1 Acupuncture is Painful
On first thought, the use of needles in Acupuncture does seem like it may be painful. In some people it can send shivers up your spine. The truth is, many people find Acupuncture treatment relaxing, and occasionally patients even fall asleep during a session. The Needles are extremely thin, usually as thin as a human hair. Nothing like a medical needle or sewing needle. Most patients agree that the most they feel is a small pinch, followed by deep relaxation.
The goal of any Acupuncture practitioner is to make treatment as comfortable as possible. Patients get in a comfortable position, and when the needles are inserted most patients do not even notice when treatment has begun.
Myth #2 Acupuncture has Many Side Effects
A common misconception about Acupuncture is that due to the numerous needles being used, it can cause many side effects or scarring. But Acupuncture has only a few short term side effects. Most risks involving Acupuncture are low and typically include soreness, minor bleeding or bruising where needles were inserted. Some people assume that the needles used in Acupuncture can cause permanent scarring. The tips of the needles are so fine that they do not leave any marks behind when removed.
The reason for why risks are so low is based on having a certified acupuncture practitioner. And the needles used are always single use and disposable medical grade needles. They come pre packaged in sterile packaging and are immediately discarded after use.
Myth #3 If You do not see Immediate Results, You will not Benefit from Acupuncture
This last myth stems from people assuming that Acupuncture only provides relief while the needles are in place. Acupuncture was originally designed to relieve tension within the body and provide peace and wellbeing. Those feelings of wellness do not disappear the moment the needles are removed from the body.
Many of the disorders that can be treated with Acupuncture may take multiple treatment sessions. For most patients they may begin to see results after 2 or 3 sessions, while others may take longer. Depending on the intensity and type of pain being suffered, a specific treatment plan will be recommended determining the length and frequency of treatment.
There are many more myths out there about Acupuncture. So it is important to learn about what Acupuncture can be helpful with. Hopefully we helped clarify some of these myths and help you make the decision of letting us help you in your path to natural recovery.
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