How Platelet Rich Plasma Can Help You
What are Platelets?
Platelets are cells that circulate within your blood that help our body form clots, stop bleeding and other necessary growth and healing functions.
What is platelet rich plasma?
Platelet rich plasma, is plasma rich protein concentrated with platelets, derived from whole blood after separated with the use of centrifugal force to remove the red blood cells. Plasma is the liquid portion of blood, this is mainly composed of proteins and water. The plasma used is taken from the patient, processed then injected back into the affected area, platelet rich plasma injections have been used for a multitude of treatments and procedures such as:
- Musculoskeletal Pain and Injury
- Cosmetic Procedures
- Tendonitis
- Hair Loss
- Post Surgical Healing
- Osteoarthritis
Tendonitis is a condition where the connective soft tissue connecting muscle to bone has become swollen and inflamed. Usually caused by overuse of the muscle and joint due to repetitive motion, or from sudden injury. Tendons are the tough, thick bands of elastic tissue connecting bone to muscle. Unfortunately after injury they are notoriously slow to heal.
Platelet rich plasma injections have been used by doctors to treat chronic tendon problems such as tennis elbow, achilles tendonitis, jumper’s knee, and swimmer’s shoulder. All which cause pain in their respective joints, affected tendons and muscles.
Hair Loss
Commonly seen in males, patterns of baldness affect both male and females. Though they differ in patterns they both have a common genetic cause. Male pattern baldness typically occurs on the front or real of the head. While with female pattern baldness, thinning happens on the crown of the head. Thinning in women often starts in the center but usually leaves the front hairline unaffected.
Doctors have injected the scalp with platelet rich plasma to prevent hair loss, as well as promote growth. After a hair transplant platelet rich plasma can also be used to stimulate the scalp to grow new hair.
The most common form of arthritis is osteoarthritis which affects millions of people around the world wide. This type of arthritis happens when the cartilage around the end of bones wears down. As this soft cartilage wears down you may feel stiffness, pain, tenderness and loss of flexibility. In some cases you may feel a grinding sensation when moving your joints or see bone spurs, which are extra bits of bone that can form around the affected joints. This can affect any joints in the body but most commonly affects the hands, neck, lower back, hips and knees.
Although there is no cure for the damage caused by osteoarthritis, platelet rich plasma injections have been used directly in the affected joint in order to reduce pain, improve joint function and possibly slow or halt the damage to the joint.
Post Surgical Repair
Surgeries are often the final option when all other alternative choices have been exhausted. Not only are they expensive treatments, the time it takes to recover from them can be days, weeks or in some cases, months.
As well as being used in care for injuries and cosmetics, doctors have been using platelet rich plasma injections to help patients heal faster after surgeries. In some cases taking days or weeks off tof recovery times. By increasing the level of platelets in the affected area, this releases growth factors that reduce swelling and begin to repair tissues. This may also signal the body to send more platelets which can increase healing allowing for shorter recovery periods, and getting back to your normal life sooner.
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