Though often called “mediation in motion”, Tai Chi has shown to be beneficial to our hearts health. We only get one heart and it’s our job to keep it healthy and strong.
How does this slow moving, deep breathing traditional Chinese martial do it though?
Join me as we discover 5 benefits Tai Chi can have on your heart’s health.
Benefit of Tai Chi #1: Reduces Stress
It’s not uncommon to feel stressed from time to time, afterall it is part of our flight-or-fight response to difficult situations. Stress has been described as a feeling of emotional or physical tension. In small quantities stress can even be helpful, like when trying to avoid danger or approaching a due date. Though having high levels of stress or being stressed for long periods of time can have negative effects on your heart health. It’s known that some of the common reactions to stress include upset stomach, heavy breathing, elevated heart rate and increased blood pressure. High blood pressure and heart rate put additional unwanted workload on the heart which can lead to cardiovascular events such as heart attacks, arrhythmia, or stroke.
Tai Chi is often referred to as “meditation in motion”, meditation can aid in producing a state of calm mind and deep relaxation. When practicing Tai Chi, you can focus on the slow calming movements and deep breathing. Allowing your mind to be at rest and tune out the thoughts that are causing you stress.
Benefit of Tai Chi #2: Cardio
When you exercise the goal is to strengthen the muscle by making it contract. The heart is no different. Cardio is the exercise used when trying to keep your heart healthy. Also known as aerobic exercise, cardio uses repetitive contractions of large muscle groups to get the heart beating faster. By doing regular cardio exercises, you’ll strengthen your heart’s blood vessels, improve oxygen flow throughout your body, lower your blood pressure and lower your cholesterol.
The most common forms of cardio often include walking or going to the gym and using a treadmill for 30 minutes or so. Tai Chi can contribute some cardio exercise especially for those who find it difficult to do more intense workouts like jogging or running.
Benefit of Tai Chi #3: Improved Quality of Life
When your quality of life improves, your heart health improves with it. Much of the improvements of quality of life include stress reduction and exercising. However, improving your balance, flexibility and mobility allows you to be more self reliant. A healthy heart is the cornerstone of our health, by accepting a healthier lifestyle your heart, overall health and mood will increase. An improvement in mood can then help you eat, and sleep better. All of which help reduce risk of heart disease.
Benefit of Tai Chi #4: Recovering Heart Patients
Being a low impact, slow moving exercise many people who are recovering from cardiovascular events benefit from Tai Chi. In the past, many patients with heart conditions were deemed too frail or weak to exercise.
Now, we understand that practicing Tai Chi can help recovering patients not only improve their quality of life, but their fortitude and confidence to do other forms of exercises. Ideally, no one wants to deal with heart conditions, and although Tai Chi is great for recovering patients, it can also be an aid to help prevent those conditions.
Benefit of Tai Chi #5: Socializing
This may seem counterintuitive after the last couple of years we’ve had, but according to reports people with richer social connections have been shown to live longer and recover more quickly from heart attacks. It’s suggested that those with strong social bonds and relationships also have a significantly reduced risk of cardiovascular disease.
Why not join one of our free classes?
Make friends, pursue a healthier lifestyle and improve your heart’s health. We have Tai Chi classes for beginners on Sundays from 9:30am to 10:30 am at Heartwell Park, Long Beach CA. Right by the lake. Or if you love Tai Chi and want to become an instructor you can feel free to register for our Tai Chi Instructor Certification Course.
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Located in Long Beach, CA we help individuals from the surrounding cities.
We look forward to helping you take the next step in your journey to better health.