What Are Joint Injections?
Have you ever suffered from joint pain? Stiffness and irritation from repetitive motions? Been in an accident leaving you with lingering discomfort and pain, limiting articulation in your joints? You may want to consider Joint Injections. Platelet rich plasma and human cellular tissue products take a different path to relieving pain, regenerating tissue and repairing the body.
Trigger point injections may be an option for treating muscle pains that contain trigger points or muscle knots. These muscle knots can sometimes be felt under the skin. These trigger points may irritate the nerves directly around the muscle and refer the pain to another part of the body.
Daily activities and aging can slowly degridate many of the soft tissues in the body such as tendons, ligaments and cartilage. At SOHMA Integrative Medicine in Long Beach we help you get the relief you need from chronic pain in your joints.
Human Cellular Tissue Products
Originating in the 19th century, scientists would experiment by injecting animal material in an attempt to treat and prevent illness. Although due to their limited knowledge of cells, those attempts did not produce beneficial results. In the modern era human cellular tissue products have gained interest by researchers as a new therapeutic, non surgical procedure for a variety of illnesses:
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Psoriatic arthritis
- Gout
- Tendonitis
- Bursitis
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- Osteoarthritis
HCTP is an advanced treatment for some degenerative conditions. Often patients with carpal tunnel syndrome may also show signs of osteoarthritis of the thumb, fingers and wrist.
When patients come to our wellness center with carpal tunnel, we may recommend the use of HCTP injections as treatment. Results have shown to be a consistent and reliable treatment for degenerative conditions in your wrists and hands.
There are hundreds of types of arthritis, but all forms have similar symptoms. Decreased range of motion, stiffness, pain and swelling. Although some damage cannot be reversed, HCTP injections have been known to help relieve pain between a few weeks to a few months. It is very important that you do not ignore symptoms and a proper diagnosis in order to begin treatment as soon as possible.
Platelet Rich Plasma Injections
Platelet rich plasma injections have been used for a multitude of treatments from recovery and healing to cosmetic such as:
- Tendonitis
- Osteoarthritis
- Post surgical repair
- Baldness
The platelet rich plasma is the patient’s own plasma separated from the red blood cells. Then injected into the patients affected areas.
By increasing the level of platelets in the injection site the body is signaled to release growth factors and platelets that help reduce swelling, aid in tissue repair and increase healing. Making PRP injections an option doctors have been using to help with post surgical repair allowing for shorter recovery periods.
Platelet rich plasma injections have been used to treat chronic tendon problems such as tennis elbow, achilles tendonitis, jumper’s knee, and swimmer’s shoulder. These forms of tendonitis cause pain in different joints affected by the soft tissue around it.
Trigger Point Injections
During the trigger point injection procedure a wellness specialist injects a small needle into the muscle knot or trigger point. The injection may include a local anesthetic or a corticosteroid, but they will contain nearly a 99% saline solution.
With the injection, the trigger point is made inactive and pain is relieved. TPI is also used to alleviate pain from tension headaches and fibromyalgia. Sustained relief can be accomplished after a short course of treatment, normally done in no more than a few minutes.
Take the Next Step In Improving Your Health by Contacting SOHMA Integrative Medicine
Our goal is to help you improve your health. You can reach out to us and ask us about the Myers Cocktail, IV Therapy, Chiropractic care, or how our other health service lines can help you with your journey to improved health.
Located in Long Beach, CA we help individuals from the surrounding cities.
We look forward to helping you take the next step in your journey to better health.
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